This type beat might be for the sh!t, though
They doin' all kind of sh!t, uh
I got numbers in my phone that'll never ring again
储存的号码 永远不再响起
'Cause Allah done sent them home, and they'll never— uh
因为真主 已指引他们归家
I got— I got numbers on my phone that'll never ring again
储存的号码 永远不再响起
'Cause Allah done called them home, so until we sing again
主呼唤他们回家 歌声萦绕
I got texts in my phone that'll never ping again
信箱的提示 不再作响
I screenshot 'em so I got 'em, I don't want this thing to—
将秘密截屏 可我不愿...
I got numbers in my phone that'll never ring again
储存的号码 永远不会再响起
I got, I got, I got
I got numbers in my phone that'll never ring again
储存的号码 永远不再响起
'Cause Allah done called 'em home, so until we sing again
主呼唤他们回家 歌声萦绕
I got texts on my phone that'll never ping again
信箱的提示 不再作响
I screenshot 'em so I got 'em, I don't want this thing to end
将秘密截屏 可我不愿结束
I got numbers on my phone that'll never ring again
储存的号码 永远不再响起
'Cause Allah done called them home, so we never sing again
主呼唤他们回家 歌声萦绕
I got texts on my phone that'll never ping again
信箱的提示 不再作响
I screenshot 'em so I got 'em, I don't want this thing to—
将秘密截屏 可我却不愿...
Sleep well, sleep well
Lately I haven't been sleeping well, sleeping well
Sleep well, sleep well
Lately I haven't been sleeping well, sleeping well
Sleep well, sleep well
Lately I haven't been sleeping well, I been— uh
我辗转反侧 夜不能寐
I'm just vibing out right now, you know what I'm sayin', like, you feel me?
“我在尽情感受气氛 你懂我吧”
Yo, 'cause it's— it's so good, right?
“太美妙了 不是么”
'Cause it's like, man, it's needed, you know what I mean?
“伙计 这正是我们需要的”
Gotta finish them scriptures, mane
It's needed, mane, it's needed
Eyes fiery, cry tears to my diary
双眼盈眶 泪水被文字刻在日记
Sometimes a Xanny bar can't help you fight back the anxiety
阿普唑仑 并不能免除焦虑
I go to my Lord quietly, teardrops on our faces
虔诚踱步于主前 潸然泪下
Teardrops on my face, it's like teardrops become waterfalls by the time they reach my laces
像清泉瀑布 滴落在鞋带
My eyelids is like levees but my tear ducts is like glaciers
眼睑似提坝 泪腺如不息冰河
As I contemplate creation
每至我冥想 创造时
The salt that heals my wounds
pour out my eyes just like libations
从我的眼睛溢出 像是祭神奠酒
I can't stop my mind from racing
思如泉涌 无法停止
I got numbers on my phone
Pictures on my phone
The day my mama died, I scrolled her texts all day long
老妈去世那天 我整日翻阅她的短信
The physical returns but the connection still stay strong
寻找物质联系 与她的感应依然强大
Now I understand why you used to cry sometimes we ride down Claybourne
如今我深知你为何哭泣 我们有时会开车到Claybourne
You just missed your— You just missed your mama
你只是 只是牵挂母亲了吧...
Now I just miss my mamas
我想念 与老妈的点滴
The clothes we wear to bed at night to sleep is just pajamas
每当入眠 身上穿着睡衣
The flesh we roam this earth in is a blessing, not a promise
寄存灵魂的躯体 是我们的福祉
I bow with those who bow to the creator and pay homage
允许我 向对造物主鞠躬之人示敬
Sleep well
Lately, I haven't been sleepin' well
I even hit the beach to soak my feet and skip some seashells
我甚至去海滩浸泡 跃过贝壳
Sleep well
The lump inside my throat sometimes just towers like the Eiffel
喉咙里的肿块 有时堪比埃菲尔
Sometimes I wonder do the trees get sad when they see leaves fell
时常好奇 树木是否为落叶忧伤
Sleep well
The last time that I kissed you, you felt cold but you looked peaceful
毫无感情的亲吻 冷漠而平静
I read our message thread when I get low and need a refill
当我情绪低落 便翻阅彼此的短讯
Sleep well
Sleep well, sleep well
Lately, I haven't been sleeping well, sleeping well
我辗转反侧 夜不能寐
I got numbers in my phone that'll never ring again
储存的号码 永远不再响起
'Cause Allah done called them home, so until we sing again
主呼唤他们回家 歌声萦绕
I got texts on my phone that'll never ping again
信箱的提示 不再作响
I screenshot 'em so I got 'em, I don't want this thing to end
将秘密截屏 可我不愿结束
I got numbers on my phone that'll never ring again
储存的号码 永远不再响起
'Cause Allah done called them home, so we never sing again
主呼唤他们回家 歌声萦绕
I got texts on my phone that'll never ping again
信箱的提示 不再作响
I screenshot 'em so I got 'em, I don't want this thing to—
将秘密截屏 可我不愿...