She cries like a lost toddler, said don't judge me, I said I'm not gonna
她像婴儿一样哭的不知所措 她说别评判我 我说我不会的
Said you don't have to call me your honour, she laughed, said I keep getting in hot water
你不用叫我法官阁下 她破涕为笑 怨我总是让她陷入困境
I said we'll have a bath, it's only right, you know who to call on a lonely night
我说我们一起洗个澡吧 这是我应该做的 寂寞的夜晚里你知道该打给谁
You know when you fall to show some fight, but I'm not the Doctor Phil or Oprah type
我不是Dotor Phil(奥普拉旗下一款脱口秀,聊人生哲学)也没有奥普拉那种心灵鸡汤 当你展现出斗志时
I don't have much advice for you, I'm just for you I support you when you
我没有什么建议可以给你 我只能在你身边挺你
And I hope one of these days I can call you
When you pick up, girl we hang out and I tell why I adore you when you smile
带你出去玩 想告诉你 我超级喜欢你笑的样子
And take a whiff of all the flowers that I bought you
And you don't need to be a perfect angel or a saint for me
在我面前 你不需要是完美的天使或女神
I know all about you, I heard all the stories they warned me
我了解你的一切 也听过他们的警告
But if you say boy just wait for me, swear the writings on the wall like a cave drawing
但只要你开口要我等你 我发誓我的承诺就像壁画一样
Well I don't have an answer
For these questions maybe we will never know
But you, you, you, gotta breathe slow
So she tells me her little stories, all the rich boys that she thinks are boring
她跟我说她的小故事 那些富二代超级无趣
And I don't really listen fully, I just stare at her in a biggy hoody
但我没怎么听进去 我被穿着超大卫衣的她完全吸引了
I tell her things and I know they don't get through
She looks for love, and a reason to live too
她追寻爱 也寻求活着的意义
I wish I had those things to give you, but those things you've gotta find in you
真希望我可以给你你想要的 但有些事你必须自己独立去争取
And she plays the cool chick living in the Tumblr
Smoking **** in a alleyway right next to the dumpster
The boys they wanna **** her so they text her and they bug her
She likes the attention but she can't give them an answer
Cause' she's looking for an answer of her own, can you blame her?
因为她不过在找自己 你能忍心责备她吗
Underneath the fake her these people aggravate her
But really I just wanna save her if she calls up bustin' down the door like Kramer
只要她需要我 我马上去救她 (bustin down the door 电影名)
Well I don't have an answer
For these questions maybe we will never know
But you, you, you, gotta breathe slow
She says girl things, I say boy things, she likes to make things, I destroy things
她说着姐妹经 我说着男孩子的 她喜欢搞事情 我喜欢搞破坏
She does drawing so I get the blue tack, she doesn't like em' there, I say too bad
她画画 我就弄来蓝丁胶 (用来在墙上粘展板) 她不喜欢 我说是很糟糕
We hang out and I show her all my new raps, I see the real her, not the cute act
我们出去玩 我给她听我最新的饶舌 我眼里是真实的她 不卖萌不做作
She dropped the ‘L' bomb, and said wow Tom you know I'm just joking around that came out wrong
她突然说”她喜欢我“”却又推辞道:“ Tom 我只是开玩笑啦 我也不知道怎么就说出来了”
But I know she loves me I can see it, it's so obvious
但我看的出来 很明显她是喜欢我的
We hang and talk for hours doesn't matter what the topic is
我们就这样一直说说笑笑 话题却从未断过
She is far from perfect but her demons make her what she is
她谈不上完美 可是她内心的小恶魔还原了最真实的她
And she never smiles unless I'm in her like a floppy disk
除非我像一个软盘填满了她 她才会笑
Uh Windows 95', party like its 99'
啊 Windows 95系统 听起来如此复古(来自歌曲-play“1999“)
Every day she's getting older time is always flying by
时间飞逝 她也一天天长大
Never know how to trust, but I would try
不知该如何去信任 但我会去尝试
I always liked a bit of trouble in this life of mine
Well I don't have an answer
For these questions maybe we will never know
But you, you, yeah you, you, yeah you, gotta breathe slow, just breathe slow, just breathe slow
没错 你需要 放慢呼吸 放慢 放慢你的呼吸
Well I don't have an answer
For these questions maybe we will never know
But you, yeah you, you, yeah you, you, gotta breathe slow, just breathe slow
没错 你需要 放慢呼吸 放慢 放慢你的呼吸
Just breathe slow
就 放慢呼吸
1.Breathe Slow
3.Girl In The Sun
4.Single Mother Song
6.That Phone Is A Brick
7.Eyes On The Road