屈服せざる者~The Lionhearted

1.新たに語られる歴史の舞台~The Brave New Stage of History
2.蘇る伝説~Undying Legend
3.たとえ嵐吹き荒れようとも~Standing Against the Storm
4.その誓約に星霜の陰りなし~Under a Pledge
5.闇の枢軸~Darkest Shadow
6.禁忌の混交~Diabolous Amalgam
7.遼遠なる風を追って~Following the Wind Trail
8.屈服せざる者~The Lionhearted
9.熱火の難路を行く~Who Dare to Tread
10.仮初めの月明~Moon of Oblivion
11.天を行く億万の魂~Myriad Souls
12.屍骸の手招き~Deadland Call
13.絶異の侵食~Chaos Eclipse
14.勇気を最後の武器に変えて~Fortune Favors the Brave
15.宿命の血脈~Lineage of Destiny
16.難敵を前にして~A Worthy Opponent
18.鉄剣を受け入れよ~Ferrum Recipere
19.勝利の月桂冠~A Laurel Crown
20.永遠に語り継がれる物語~Eternal Tales
21.漏れ出した地獄の炎~Hell on Earth
22.語られし魂の行跡~The Chronicle of Souls
24.近づく運命の予感~Presage of Destiny
25.闇色の予兆~Foreshadowed by Darkness
26.運命を胸に宿せし者~Fated Soul
27.咲き乱れし花々~In Full Bloom
28.不屈の魂を持つ男~Man of Fortitude
29.黒衣の忠剣~Fidelity in Shrouds
30.狂信の伝導者~A Zealous Herald
31.邪悪の心核~Crux of Evil
32.交錯する運命~Fate's Crossing
33.運命に打ち勝つために~To Overcome Fate
34.瀆神の炎~The Evil Flame
36.魂の記憶:赤き血を流せし者達へ~In Memory : To Those Who Shed Blood
37.うつろいゆく運命~Destiny in Flux
38.うつろいゆく運命:鋼の残響~Destiny in Flux:Steel Echo
39.うつろいゆく運命:沈思黙考~Destiny in Flux:Deep Reflection
40.運命に抗う者~Defiant Soul
41.揺れ動く魂の天秤~The Libra of Soul
42.次元の裂け目を探して~The Hunt for the Fissures
43.苦衷の選択~A Bitter Decision
44.争乱の最前線へ~Into the Fray
45.天与の試練~Time of Trial
46.黒き獣を追って~Chasing the Beast
47.永遠の旅路をゆく~Endless Quest
48.突然の邂逅~Unforeseen Challenge
49.意外なる来訪者~An Unexpected Visitor
50.復讐者の剣~Avenging Sword
52.打ち破られし野望~Thwarted Ambition
53.血で紡がれし試練~The Nameless Ordeal
54.明かされた運命~Destiny Unfolds
55.憤怒の化身~Pure Anger
56.命運を危機に晒して~Fate at Its Limit
57.避けられぬ一戦~Inevitable Clash
59.行く末に希望ありて~Approaching Hope
60.胸に抱くべき平穏~Peace Within
61.孤独の旅人~A Lone Soul
62.優しき風の調べ~Gentle Breeze
63.遙かなる旅の終わりに~At the End of a Journey
64.誓い立てるべき時~Solemn Vow
65.運命のしもべたらずば~Fate Against Her
66.深き淵より生まれし者~Emerging from the Abyss
67.勇気を見せる時は今~B for Bravery
68.懐かしき日々の思い出~Days Gone By
69.その魂は典雅にして~A Graceful Soul
70.魂の彫像~Soul Engraver
71.戦士を癒す風:追憶の彼方へ~Healing Winds : Reminiscences