The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, The Princesses' Round Dance

1.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Introduction
2.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, Kashchei's Magic Garden
3.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, The Firebird Appears Pursued by Ivan Tsarevich
4.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, Dance of the Firebird
5.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, Ivan Tsarevitch Captures the Firebird
6.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, The Firebird's Entreaties
7.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, The Appearance of the 13 Enchanted Princesses
8.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, The Princesses' Game with the Golden Apples
9.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, Sudden Appearance of Ivan Tsarevich
10.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, The Princesses' Round Dance
11.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, Dawn - Ivan Tsarevich Enters Kashchei's Palace
12.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, The Sound of the Enchanted Bells - Monsters Appear, Kashchei's Guards, and Take Ivan Tsarevich Prisoner
13.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, The Arrival of Kashchei the Immortal
14.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, Kashchei's Dialogue with Ivan Tsarevich
15.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, The Princesses Intercede
16.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, The Appearance of the Firebird
17.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, Dance of Kashchei's Retinue, under the Firebirds's Spell
18.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, Infernal Dance of all of Kashchei's Subjects
19.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, Lullaby (the Firebird)
20.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, Kashchei Awakes
21.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau I, Death of Kashchei - Profound Darkness
22.The Firebird (Original Version 1910):Tableau II, Disappearance of the Palace and Dissolution of Kashchei's Enchantments - Animation of the Petrified Knights - General Rejoicing
23.The Song of the Nightingale:Introduction
24.The Song of the Nightingale:Marche Chinoise
25.The Song of the Nightingale:Chant du Rossignol
26.The Song of the Nightingale:Jeu du Rossignol mécanique