Brothers and sisters, we are gathered here today to celebrate in the loss of theevil and sinful person known as
Blaze. Just like his soul shall be blazing in thepits of hell, his name is most adequate.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are not here tobe sorrowful at this point, for his death is nothing but a blessing brought from
God himself so that we may rejoice and know that there is rightousness.
That thereare angels of vengence that will strike down upon the evil and wicked of theworld.
Look at his body...look at him.
So eeevil!!
They say that he was rich withcash and he was a rapper.
What is a rapper?
He is no more than
Satan's tool, sothat he can speak the voice of the devil himself, spitting his raaaap flows, sothat people can be seduced with his wicked rhymes.
Well I say this: you shall beseduced by demons in hell brother.
You are on a one way ticket straight to whereno one holy will ever set foot.
You shall bake in the very pits of hell....