1.And So It Begins...
2.Luci'fer, You Got Some 'Splainin' to Do!
3.Isn't It Bromantic?
4.Demon Agitato, Mr. Ostinato
5.Dean's Dirty Organ (Brother's Guitar Theme)
7.The Grateful Undead
8."Salmon Dean" In the Heartland
9.Blood Drops Keep Falling On My Head
10.Old 'Monster Movie'
11.Decapitation Variations
12.Tears In Their Beers
13.Gratuitous *** and Violins
14.Ruby: So Cute, So Creepy
15.The Family Business / Elegy For John
16.The Meatsuit Mambo
17.Lilyth Unfair
18.End Credits & Mo' Guitar Grit