He was born in Vegas among the stars
And on his cheek a beauty mark
他出生在拉斯维加斯 众星拥簇所在
I barely noticed it from the start
A constellation to stir my heart
Every night I’m wearing my black in case you’re comin round
Fifty-seven days and it still feels like I’m not comin down
每一夜我都一袭黑装 等待着他能够到来
The night we painted over your fake Mona Lisa
五十七日过去 好像我依旧不能死心
Lipstick on the corners said her smile was teasin ya
那一夜 我们在你那副蒙娜丽莎的赝品上肆意涂鸦
Oh you take my clothes off, said its gettin hotter
嘴角的口红 她的笑容仿佛要将你勾引
Don’t know how to swim but let’s breathe underwater
你说周围开始变热 然后顺势脱去了衣衫
I was born a dreamer
虽然我还不会游泳 但让我们一起在水底练习着呼吸吧
And I’m still that way
Live for tomorrow or yesterday
Every night I’m wearing my black in case you’re comin round
Fifty-seven days and it still feels like I’m not comin down
The night we painted over your fake Mona Lisa
每一夜我都一袭黑装 等待着他能够到来
Lipstick on the corners said her smile was teasin ya
五十七日过去 好像我依旧不能死心
Oh you take my clothes off, said its gettin hotter
那一夜 我们在你那副蒙娜丽莎的赝品上肆意涂鸦
Don’t know how to swim but let’s breathe underwater
嘴角的口红 她的笑容仿佛要将你勾引