Say you’re in love but it’s just lust been heaven these past 7 months
你说你爱得深沉 可这半年以来 我只是你泄欲的工具
I should have known it wouldn’t last but you told me she was your past
是我太天真 当初相信你 说那个她已是过去式
And I don’t believe you but I wanted to
And I wanna leave you but I need you too
想要逃离这一切 可我的心里住着一个你
And you probably still tell her you miss her, while you’re driving with your hand on my thigh
上一秒 你可能还在告诉她 你想她了 下一刻 却抚摸着我的大腿
And I’ll never be anything like her, so you can just kiss me goodbye
我不是她那样被爱情冲昏头的傻瓜 这是最后一吻 再见了你这花花公子
Yeah I know you have history with her
没错 你说过你和她的过往
But you swear you need me by your side
So tonight when you leave me to kiss her will you promise you’ll kiss me goodbye
今晚你匆忙赶去与她热吻 你能不能答应我 放我离开?
You’re desperate and out of touch I’m easy but you’re hard to trust
你不顾一切 关了手机 我对你开诚布公 但你讳莫如深
Already given you too much but being second-place will never ever be enough
为你倾尽全部 但我只是你心里最不重要的那个
And I don’t believe you but I wanted to
毫无眷恋 只想逃离这一切
And I wanna leave you but I need you too
可我错了 我心里还住着一个你
And you probably still tell her you miss her, while you’re driving with your hand on my thigh
上一秒你还对她说着情话 下一秒你却抚摸着我的大腿
And I’ll never be anything like her, so you can just kiss me goodbye
我不是她那样被爱情冲昏头的傻瓜 最后一吻 我们再也不见
Yeah I know you have history with her
没错 我知晓你和她的过去
But you swear you need me by your side
So tonight when you leave me to kiss her will you promise you’ll kiss me goodbye
今晚你匆忙赶去与她热吻 你能不能 放我离开?
When you leave me to kiss her will u kiss me goodbye
你早该想到 这是最后一吻 我们再也不见
When you leave me to kiss her
And you probably still tell her you miss her, while you’re driving with your hand on my thigh
上一秒你还对她说着情话 下一秒你却抚摸着我的大腿
And I’ll never be anything like her, so you can just kiss me goodbye
我不是她那样被爱情冲昏头的傻瓜 最后一吻 我们两不相欠
Yeah I know you have history with her
没错 我知晓你和她的过去
But you swear you need me by your side
So tonight when you leave me to kiss her will you promise you’ll kiss me goodbye
我承认我心动了 可这只是你的谎言
Kiss me goodbye
Uh oh
Kiss me good bye
Kiss me good bye
Uh oh
Kiss me good bye
Kiss me good bye