Open the door, snowing outside
轻开房门 只见屋外
Everything's white, back in the day
白雪皑皑 梦回往昔
Cozy as rhodes, calm as moonlight
惬意悠然 如沐月下
Quiet as night, you used to say
寂静如夜 你常如此形容
Thought you were endless time
原曾想 你便是永远
I shouldnt've let it fly-y-y
我本不该 就此释怀
No, don't apologize
You were a gleam of light
至少你曾为我 一扫阴霾
Dust on the floor, fallen from loss
尘埃落定 无望失而复得
Trail with rust, sundown in vain
一颗心满是锈迹 更无心日出日落
Fading colors, blurring moments
色彩渐褪 惶惶度日
Turn into tears, suffer in pain
化作泪水 溺身苦海
Thought you were endless time
原曾想 你便是永远
I shouldn't've let it fly-y-y
我本不该 就此释怀
No, don't apologize
You were a gleam of light
至少你曾为我 一扫阴霾
I shouldn't've let it fly..
怪我不该 匆匆释怀..