录音 梦徐
混音+编曲制作 WHIZZBIZ
You can do anything u want(做你想做的)
You can be whoever that you want(成为你想成为的)
从不怀疑自己 每一次都做得到
我们开着飞艇 他们去买火车票
handle business(搞定生意)不会赚得比我花得少
只做叼的音乐 有心人都听得到
All these bxxches running game they don’t know how(他们自己都不知道在咋玩儿)
chasing bxxches flexing game are they all about(炫耀着金钱换来的爱情)
All these bxxches running game they don’t know how(他们玩不来这场游戏)
I don’t want your chain I will change the game(戴的链子只会锁住你自己)
Gamer in the fallout put a timer on me(辐射人生或者计时赛)
从零到一百付出当然超过了one hunnid(早已超出满分)
没有努力过谁会在意Regi In the building(Regi在台上)
我站在台上be myself看台下观众回应
All the lessons I took the pathes I chose(所有的路都是我自己选的)
没有怀疑我和你 I be flexing on you(而他们比不上)
so god talk to me every night that I pray(每个夜晚向上帝祈祷)
I can just being me and riding with the greats(我只能做我自己,和最棒的人们齐头并进)
从不怀疑自己 每一次都做得到
我们开着飞艇 他们去买火车票
handle business(搞定生意)不会赚得比我花得少
只做叼的音乐 有心人都听得到
All these bxxches running game they don’t know how(他们自己都不知道在咋玩儿)
chasing bxxches flexing game are they all about(炫耀着金钱换来的爱情)
All these bxxches running game they don’t know how(他们玩不来这场游戏)
I don’t want your chain I will change the game(戴的链子只会锁住你自己)
And they say Make the money never let the money make u(做到掌握金钱而不被金钱掌握)
Change the game dont ever let the game change u(做到改变游戏而不被游戏改变)
after everything we been thru(经历风霜起伏后)
Me Im still the same me(我还是原来那个我)
are you still the same you?(你还记得自己的初心吗)
Every morning I pray(每个清晨我都祷告:)
we be wining the race(我们会赢得比赛)
payday everyday(每天都是发薪日)
AK for dem haters(AK留给嫉恨的喷子)
不要假的命题 假的爱情 假香槟和假钞
从不怀疑自己 每一次都做得到
我们开着飞艇 他们去买火车票
handle business(搞定生意)不会赚得比我花得少
只做叼的音乐 有心人都听得到
All these bxxches running game they don’t know how(他们自己都不知道在咋玩儿)
chasing bxxches flexing game are they all about(炫耀着金钱换来的爱情)
All these bxxches running game they don’t know how(他们玩不来这场游戏)
I don’t want your chain I will change the game(戴的链子只会锁住你自己)
从不怀疑自己 每一次都做得到