OK Senoir I'm reloaded! (Moochy moochy) Calling all guards to catch the chaps at large You pack the bong brother? changing of the Avon Guard You Cats on charge? Well I ask you can I kick it? Well that's the magic ticket I'm the usher in the theatre, Screenin' Jack Slater It's my never ending story that creates my fantasia Poetical landscaper who bakes the mad flavours Puff the magic on my rough track and hey, It's my damn nature Pu- Puffin the herb Ohhhh Lord this is track murder Hit the town with 73... in my backburner Bliss the broadcaster - Bringing you the live data I hold my lightsaber swinging through the skyscrapers Feel the gorgeous air travel to my fortress lair (It's the invisible, extravagent extrordinare) I project my words on the canvas of the promised land Picture this hollowman standing as a hologram Welcome to my wonderful world of word wizardry (B-B-B-B-Bounce to the beat) Welcome to my wonderful world of word wizardry (wizardry, wizardry (b-b-b-bounce to the beat) Yo! I teach monkeys how to wrestle In a spandex suit Then send them to steal Roger Ramjets boots A circle of psychos, I hang with the realest, To shoot **** with a gang of gorillas They call me Mad Max a Million The abstract chamelion Who gets his hustle on in a jam packed pavillion I'm sunlight for those, who live in the dark So let me grab the bat and send this b*tch out the park Yeah I'm the mack with no money Still livin it up like mr happy go lucky Every kid wants to fly Every dog has his day So everything I write is another wall that I break Duck down, when I'm coming through the door Jugglin chainsaws and running from the law It's a bird, It's a plane, Nah it's me when I write, Flippin off you mother****a's on my BMX bike Welcome to my wonderful world of word wizardry (B-B-B-B-Bounce to the beat) Welcome to my wonderful world of word wizardry (wizardry, wizardry (b-b-b-bounce to the beat) In this human culture My soul has just diffused my motor And I'm a pull the ****in plug on this human Choser I'm a keep rappin till they catch the supernova Straight start slangin out the back of my lunar rover I'm that moon strider, that looney tune writer That parachute lagoon diver Air balloon glider It's Shako, the twelve monkey time transporter Audio, NVA the rhyme transformer I take world famous models to an all you can eat Rib House then back to mine to slaughter the meat I'm an audio freak and by a quater to three, You'll get a hum dum dinger when you order from me I made a porno for free, at Oporto's with three, Midget *****es call me audio theif It's lumber jack Macca here to open your mind up He's verbally violent like Oprah's vagina Wise Up (In tune-in tune-in tune-tune-tune-tune)