Never Land - Bliss N Eso
You might think that there's as many,
As many kind of people in this world,
But there's only two kinds, the buyers,
and the ones who get bought.
No, there's another kind, it's kind,
it's a kind that don't belong in a place at all.
There's a kind of bird that don't
have any legs or cant land on nothing,
That had to spend it's whole life
on its wings in the air.
I seen one once.
Had its wings spread out that wide
and you could see right through em.
I swore hawks don't catch em,
cuz they don't see em.
They don't see him way up in
that high blue sky, in the sun.
What about the grey weather
Well they fly so angry that
the hawks would get dizzy.
See these little birds don't have no legs at all
So they have to live their whole life in the wind.
And they sleep on the wind.
That's what they do is,
is spread their wings out,
and go to sleep on the wind.
19.Golden Years