Mayday, Mayday, Mayday
An unidentified virus strain is rapidly spreading
We are the chosen few
The enlightened ones
And we walk amongst you
It's DNA
It's the way we're made
We are the earthquake and this is the outbreak
This is the outbreak!
Invasion, Contamination
Our virus out
This is the new nation
The sound outrageous, infecting, contagious
No cure, just fear
The contagion is here!
We are the chosen few
The enlightened ones
And we walk amongst you
It's DNA
It's the way we're made
We are the earthquake and this is the outbreak
Don't stop us now
Invasion, Contamination
Our virus out
This is the new nation
The sound outrageous, infecting, contagious
No cure, it's clear
The contagion is here!