I'm Seventeen Come Sunday:Folk song from Lincolnshire and Somerset

1.I'm Seventeen Come Sunday:Folk song from Lincolnshire and Somerset
2.Brigg Fair:Folksong from Lincolnshire arranged for Tenor and Chorus
3.Love Verses from the Song of Solomon
4.The Merry Wedding:Bridal dance/Faeroese folk poems translated by Rose and Percy Grainger
5.Shallow Brown:Sailor's sea-chanty
6.Father and Daughter:A Faeroe Island dancing ballad
7.My Nighean Dubh (My Dark:haired Maiden)
8.The Bride's Tragedy
9.Irish Tune from County Derry ("Danny Boy"):Also known as "Londonderry Air"
10.Scotch Strathspey and Reel:Inlaid with several Irish and Scotch tunes and a sea-chanty
11.The Lost Lady Found:English dance-folksong
12.The Three Ravens:Old English Song
13.Danny Deever
14.Tribute to Foster:Based on a melody by Stephen Foster/Text: Stephen Foster and Percy Grainger