A demonstration of who the best is,
Stress is when
I afflict your death wish,
Check this before
I check you
And tell you what the rest knew already
We get it heavy, money bad,
The crack or axe roll on your
Chevy. Get ready, prepare for the truth,
I double dare one to double cross me,
Play booth, you can’t flip to suit,
You run them down, blindfold ‘em, line ‘em up,
Gun them down, even when
I **** around
I don’t **** around.
My life work can leave your life curb,
Smell a perfect trait, yeah,
I smell like perp
Dirt, do your dirty and give it back to earth
For what is worth find another turf.
Before you work, learn the hustle, first
Cut them off with a hunger thirst.
I drink in here ‘till
I’m full, the raging bull,
Too much births and yeah,
I’m full.
Aiming at the chess play, call it lay it face,
You get cramps when the brea brakes
I get big chunks, raw chunks,
You’ll get found in the deep slump
You ran it out of throw, real face,
I pump your brakes, see you at the wait, nigger.
2.Apollo's Last Stand
3.Crushed Kremlin
4.Decisions Over Veal Orloff
5.Learned By Listening
6.Training Montage - Getting Stronger
7.Ivan's Workout Plan
8.Never Grow Up
9.The Turning Point
10.Live From Dynamo Stadium 2
11.Don Seymour's Theme
12.Before The Fight Prelude
13.Adrian's Words - Champion Song
14.Flight Of The Bumblebee
15.Kalashnekov Guns
16.Fight Confirmation
17.Press Conference Prelude
18.Freakish Strength
19.Junkyard Fight Scene
20.Oleg's Flight
21.Moscow Mornings - Sunrise
22.Moscow Evenings - Sunset
23.The Kosmos Pt 1 - Liftoff
24.The Kosmos Pt 2 - Power Glove
25.The Kosmos Pt 3 - In Orbit
26.The Kosmos Pt 4 - Moon Probe
27.The Kosmos Pt 5 - 1st Contact - The Chase
28.The Kosmos Pt 6 - Life On Another Planet
29.The Kosmos Pt 7 - The Explanation
30.The Kosmos Pt 8 - Return To Earth Outro