5 Pieces for Orchestra (1913):3. Sehr bewegte Viertel

1.5 Pieces for Orchestra (1913):1. Bewegt
2.5 Pieces for Orchestra (1913):2. Langsam (sostenuto)
3.5 Pieces for Orchestra (1913):3. Sehr bewegte Viertel
4.5 Pieces for Orchestra (1913):4. Langsame Viertel
5.5 Pieces for Orchestra (1913):5. (Alla breve)
6.Three Orchestral Songs for Voice and Orchestra (1913/14):1. Leise Düfte (Poem by Anton Webern)
7.Three Orchestral Songs for Voice and Orchestra (1913/14):2. Kunfttag III. "Nun wird es wieder Lenz" (Poem by Stefan George)
8.Three Orchestral Songs for Voice and Orchestra (1913/14):3. O sanftes Glühn der Berge (Poem by Anton Webern)
9.Symphony, Op.21:1. Ruhig schreitend
10.Symphony, Op.21:2. Variationen
11.Das Augenlicht (The Light Of The Eye) Op.26
12.I. Kantate op.29 for soprano, mixed chorus and orchestra:1. Getragen - Lebhaft. "Zündender Lichtblitz des Lebens" (Chorus)
13.I. Kantate op.29 for soprano, mixed chorus and orchestra:2. Leicht bewegt "Kleiner Flügel Ahornsamen" (Soprano)
14.I. Kantate op.29 for soprano, mixed chorus and orchestra:3. Ruhig "Tönen die seligen Saiten" (Chorus & Soprano)
15.Variations for Orchestra op.30
16.II. Kantate op.31 for soprano solo, bass solo, mixed chorus and orchestra:Ruhig "Schweigt auch die Welt" (Basso)
17.II. Kantate op.31 for soprano solo, bass solo, mixed chorus and orchestra:2. Sehr verhalten "Sehr tief verhalten innerst Leben" (Basso)
18.II. Kantate op.31 for soprano solo, bass solo, mixed chorus and orchestra:3. Sehr bewegt "Schöpfen aus Brunnen des Himmels" (Chorus & Soprano)
19.II. Kantate op.31 for soprano solo, bass solo, mixed chorus and orchestra:4. Sehr lebhaft "Leichte Bürde der Bäume" (Soprano)
20.II. Kantate op.31 for soprano solo, bass solo, mixed chorus and orchestra:5. Sehr mässig "Feindselig ist das Wort" (Chorus & Soprano)
21.II. Kantate op.31 for soprano solo, bass solo, mixed chorus and orchestra:6. Sehr fliessend "Gelockert aus dem Schosse" (Chorus)