What, Shepherds, Does This Augur?

1.Lo, Here We Revive Again
2.Wake up, shepherds. Eulogy to Mark the Celebration of the Birth of Christ Our Lord
3.Play, Violin
4.With Heavenly Joy Imbued
5.What, Shepherds, Does This Augur?
6.News of the Sweetest Child
7.Sleep, My Sweet Baby Jesus
8.What is that light? Eulogy on the Feast of the Birth of Christ
9.Sweet Children
10.A Charming Little Song
11.My Lovely Nightingale
12.Music with Shepherds I Shall Make
13.Sleep, Sleep, Innocent Child
14.O How Exultant
15.Welcome, My Sweetest Jesus Child
16.Pastorela in D (For Epiphany)