Fire, fire, fire, fire loe here I burne

1.Come my Celia
2.Like hermit poore
3.So, so, leave off this last lamenting kiss: So, so, leave off this last lamenting kisse
4.Fire, fire, fire, fire loe here I burne
5.I care not for these ladies
6.The First Book of Ayres or Little Short Songs:A painted tale
7.The First Book of Ayres or Little Short Songs, Part II: Thirsis and Milla
8.With my love my life was nestled
9.I saw my ladye weeping
10.Beauty sat bathing
11.Tis true, tis day
12.Who is it that this darke night
13.Can I forget what reason’s force
14.Musicke of Sundrie Kindes:Fair, sweeet, cruell
15.Goe passions to the cruell faire
16.Not full twelve years
17.Booke of Songs and Ayres, Vol. 2:Whither runneth my sweet hart
18.Come sorrows
19.Aye mee, she frownes
20.Absence, hear thou my protestation
21.Come, sorrow, come
22.When Laura smiles
23.What then is love but mourning?