Melt, melt me down and pour me into you...
将我熔化 再将我灌进你的喉咙
I'm not ready
I'm not ready for you to go
我还没准备好 面对你的离去
I've turned myself to liquid
我已然将自己 酿为烈酒
So you can drink me into you
所以你才能 将我顺喉喝下
I could give life to your body
为你的躯体 我愿意奉献我的生命
I could give your skin it's glow
I could give life to your cells
I could do what you do
I could go wherever you go
Melt, melt me down and pour me into you
将我熔化 再将我灌进你的喉咙
Melt, melt me down and pour me into you
将我熔化 再将我灌进你的喉咙
I'd like to see the world this way
我更乐意 换在你的位置 思考这个世界
I'd like to know how you feel pain
我更乐意 感同你的痛楚 身受你的苦难
I'd like to never miss a beat
我更希望 不将你任何一拍心跳遗漏
I'd like our pleasure to be the same
我更希望 我们的喜悦能够达到同步
Melt, melt me down and pour me into you
将我熔化 再将我灌进你的喉咙
Melt, melt me down and pour me into you
将我熔化 再将我灌进你的身体
Melt, melt me down and pour me into you
将我熔化 再将我灌进你的喉咙
Melt, melt me down and pour me into you
将我熔化 再将我灌进你的身体
The bombs went off, the aftershock...
炸弹支离破碎后 余震不止...
How long can you make an hour last
It's the rapture and the terror at the same time
这是狂热 以及恐怖 杂糅出的滋味
It's lilac wine that's bitter in my mouth
这是我唇齿间的丁香酒般 甜涩参半的滋味
It's the rapture and the terror at the same time
这是狂热 以及恐怖 杂糅出的滋味
At the same time...
Melt, melt me down and pour me into you
将我熔化 再将我灌进你的喉咙
Melt, melt me down and pour me into you
将我熔化 再将我灌进你的身体
Melt, melt me down and pour me into you
将我熔化 再将我灌进你的喉咙
Melt, melt me down and pour me into you
将我熔化 再将我一口干下。