A Night at the Opera: Hallelujah Chorus/With Cat-Like Tread/Symphony No.

1.Can't Stop the Classics: Overture to Ruslan & Ludmilla/Czarda
2.Hooked on Mozart: Rondo Alla Turca/Piano Sonata in C Major
3.Hooked on Tchaikovsky: Capriccio Italien Op 45/Swan Lake
4.Viva Vivaldi: Concerto in C Major F XII: 37/Concerto in C Maj
5.Hooked on Romance (Opus 3): Gymnopedie No. 2/Nocturne in E Fl
6.Hooked on Haydn: Trumpet Concerto in E Flat Major
7.Hooked on a Song: Votre Toast/Funiculi Funicula/Tar
8.Hooked on America: Rhapsody in Blue/Camptown Races/Rhapsody i
9.Hooked on Can Can: Can-Can/Unter Donner und Blitz Op 324/Hung
10.Journey Through the Classics, Pt. 2: Dance of the Tumblers/Da
11.Journey Through America: The Star Spangled Banner/Oh ...
12.Hooked on Marching: Under the Double Eagle/The Stars & Stripes Forever
13.If You Knew Sousa: The Liberty Bell/Blaze Away/The Liberty Bell/Semper
14.If You Knew Sousa (And Friends): Entry of the Gladiators/Colonel Bogey
15.A Night at the Opera: Hallelujah Chorus/With Cat-Like Tread/Symphony No.
16.Hooked on Bach: Ave Marie/Minuet/Suite No. 2 in B M