Young 7 make it splash
I'm smokin' doobies to the face, I'm feelin' fade away
吞云吐雾间 自我消失殆尽
Remember juggin' on her block, that sh*t was day to day
犹记踱步于她的街区 日日重复
Tough we will never leave them trenches don't you play with me
即使艰难 我们也绝不离开我们坚守的战线 而你最好别来搞我
Feelings running deep, so I just pray and blow the pain away
触之内心深处 默默祈祷 愿内心痛苦能随风飘散
I'm a young n*gga straight from the bottom
如沉寂于茫茫黑夜 冉冉而上的一颗新星
Won't be long 'til I get to the top
直至 抵达光芒顶点 只在斗转星移之间
Feel like half of my [?] I ain't never gonna stop
一部分的我 确信 我不会停下脚步
I was juggin' in the ground, didn't get where I got
四处漫游 不知何去何从
At this point in my life it seen me a lot
而此刻 见世界之渺渺
If you're slackin' at work, then I'm takin' your spot
在这场游戏中 你若有任何松懈 你的位置 我将顶替上任
All this VVS diamonds, I'm takin' your watch
vvs级钻石 流光溢彩 我将拿走 包括你豪表的一切
I been dealin' so much, I ain't never tell cops
行事太多 从未供认于警察
I'ma just lurk 'til I get me drop
卧薪尝胆 直至某天我倒地不起
Step out of line, we gon' wait for out time
不走寻常 我们正等待我们的时机
Yeah, you think you're so low, 'til you finna get popped
哈 你连自己也看不起自己 终有一日 你将彻底被我击杀
Talkin' on smelly, you finna get dropped
说点难听的 你终会失足坠地
All my lil' shooters keep glizzy, they flok
I send the green, then they spin your block
只需我一声令下 你将处于他们的重重包围之中
I send the green, then they spin your block
发出信号 便即刻围攻
I'm smokin' doobies to the face, I'm feelin' fade away
吞云吐雾间 自我消失殆尽
Remember juggin' on her block, that sh*t was day to day
犹记踱步于她的街区 日日重复
Tough we will never leave them trenches don't you play with me
即使艰难 我们也绝不离开我们坚守的战线 而你最好别来搞我
Feelings running deep, so I just pray and blow the pain away
感悟灵魂深处 只求风带走我的苦痛
I'm smokin' doobies to the face, I'm feelin' fade away
烟雾弥漫 随之飘散
Remember juggin' on her block, that sh*t was day to day
犹记踱步于她的街区 日日重复
Tough we will never leave them trenches don't you play with me
即使艰难 我们也绝不离开我们坚守的战线 而你最好别来搞我
Feelings running deep, so I just pray and blow the pain away
触之内心深处 默默祈祷 愿内心痛苦能随风而逝
Yeah, I miss the way that this sh*t used to be
是 我也怀念从前的生活
F*cking famous hoes in California, this sh*t new to me
玩着加州不同的有名女人 每天新鲜得要命
They say that I changed since I got money
Well that's news to me
实际这对我来说 也听着挺新奇的
'Cause through all the bullsh*t that they threw
I still stay true to me and that's truthfully
我依旧忠于自我 这是不争的事实
For all the lies and scrutiny
For all the times they used to be
Talkin' down on my name, now they wanna come around
现在说起我的名字 倒想凑过来了
But they ain't new to me
I used to think you was everything
Now you not even cool to me
I used to think you was everything
Yeah, that's how I used to be
实际 那都是过去的我罢了
Yeah, you can not say that I didn't try to make time back
That's time away
Got you in your brains thinkin' bout mama's say
用用脑子 好好思考你母亲说的话
So I don't got the time to waste
我不会 在此 浪费时间
I'm smokin' doobies to the face, I'm feelin' fade away
吞云吐雾间 自我消失殆尽
Remember juggin' on her block, that sh*t was day to day
犹记踱步于她的街区 日日重复
Tough we will never leave them trenches don't you play with me
即使艰难 我们也绝不离开我们坚守的战线 而你最好别来搞我
Feelings running deep, so I just pray and blow the pain away
感悟灵魂深处 只求风带走我的苦痛
I'm smokin' doobies to the face, I'm feelin' fade away
烟雾弥漫 随之飘散
Remember juggin' on her block, that sh*t was day to day
犹记踱步于她的街区 日日重复
Tough we will never leave them trenches don't you play with me
即使艰难 我们也绝不离开我们坚守的战线 而你最好别引火烧身
Feelings running deep, so I just pray and blow the pain away
触之内心深处 默默祈祷 愿内心痛苦能随风而逝