Chasapikos - A Greek Dance

1.I Chartaeti - The Kite
2.To Palikari Echi Kaimo - The Lad Is Troubled
3.Strose To Stroma Sou - Lay Your Bed
4.Agapi Mou - My Love
5.An Thimithis To Oniro Mou - If You Remember My Dream
6.Gonia Gonia - Corner
7.Drapetsona - A Suburb Of Peraias
8.Klis To Parathiro - Close The Window
9.Kouventa Me Ena Louloudi - Chat With A Flower
10.Min Ksehnas Ton Oropo - Don't Forget Oropos
11.Nihta Magikia - Magical Night
12.I Mirei - The Damned
13.Pios Ti Zoi Mou - Who In My Life
14.Se Potisa Rodostamo - I Gave You Rose Water
15.Tis Dikeosinis Ilie - Justice's Sun
16.To Treno Fevgi Stis Okto - The Train Is Leaving At 8
17.Chasapikos - A Greek Dance
18.Choros Tou Zorba - Zorba's Dance