4 Aces Suite (version for orchestra):Ace of Hearts

2.A Lily Pond
3.4 Aces Suite (version for orchestra):Ace of Clubs
4.4 Aces Suite (version for orchestra):Ace of Diamonds
5.4 Aces Suite (version for orchestra):Ace of Hearts
6.4 Aces Suite (version for orchestra):Ace of Spades
7.From a Spanish Lattice
8.Minuet by Candlelight:Minuet by Candelight
9.Aquarium Suite (version for orchestra):No. 1 Willow Moss
10.Aquarium Suite (version for orchestra):No. 2 Moorish Idol
11.Aquarium Suite (version for orchestra):No. 3 Fantail
12.Aquarium Suite (version for orchestra):No. 4 Whirlgig
13.Autumn Crocus (arr. for orchestra):Autumn Crocus
14.Bats in the Belfry
15.Pastoral Sketches:No. 1 A Legend
16.Pastoral Sketches:No. 2 Lovers' Lane
17.Pastoral Sketches:No. 3 A Village Festival
18.Fireside Fusiliers
19.The Parade of the Sandwich Board Men:Parade of the Sandwich-Board Men
20.Waltz for a Lonely Heart