1.Immer (Violin Concerto No.1)
2.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Knoydart
3.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Sionascaig
4.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Sound of Jura
5.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Bauchaille Etive Mor
6.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Rassay
7.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Govan
8.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Kirkwall
9.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Crimond
10.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Quiriang
11.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Rackwick Bay
12.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Edinburgh
13.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Cape Wrath
14.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Glasgow
15.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Rannoch Moor
16.One Minute, 15 pieces for orchestra: Perth
17.Memory Takes My Hand: Us (Orchestra)
18.Memory Takes My Hand: World (Soprano, Chorus & Orchestra)
19.Memory Takes My Hand: Age (once) - (Soprano, Chorus & Orchestra)
20.Memory Takes My Hand: Taittirya Uphanisad (Chorus & Orchestra)
21.Memory Takes My Hand: Recovering (Soprano, Chorus & Orchestra)
22.Memory Takes My Hand: One day (Orchestra)
23.Memory Takes My Hand: North (Soprano, Chorus & Orchestra)
24.Memory Takes My Hand: Glasgow (Chorus & Orchestra)
25.Memory Takes My Hand: As we loved (Soprano & Orchestra)
26.Memory Takes My Hand: Risen (Orchestra)
27.Memory Takes My Hand: The world shall turn (Chorus & Orchesta)
28.Memory Takes My Hand: Many (Chorus & Orchestra)