In Many Rooms In The House At Pau

1.Railway Station At Pau
2.A Small Theatre In Montpellier
3.A Cafe In Montpellier
4.In A Train Compartment
5.The House At Pau
6.An Art Exhibition In Paris
7.A Memory Of A Happy Moment
8.In Many Rooms In The House At Pau
9.On The Terrace
10.Outside The Bedroom
11.Up In The Pyrenees
12.A Fairground In Paris
13.George's Flat In Paris
14.First Orchestral Interlude
15.She'd Be Far Better Off With You
16.Second Orchestral Interlude
17.Guilietta's Studios In Venice
18.A Registry Office
19.A Military Camp In Malaya
20.Orchestral Intro (Act Two)
21.A Theatre In Paris
22.Leading Lady
23.At The Stage Door
24.George's House At Pau
25.Other Pleasures
26.A Cafe In Venice
27.There Is More To Love
28.The Garden At Pau
29.Mermaid Song
30.The Countryside Around The House
31.The First Man You Remember
32.In The Vineyard At Pau
33.George's Study At Pau
34.A Circus In Paris
35.Outside The Circus
36.Jenny's Bedroom In Paris
37.The Vineyards At Pau
38.A Hay Loft
39.Anything But Lonely