Seekers Who Are Lovers (BBC Session - Mark Radcliffe, 12 March 1996)

Brush by gracefully
A love as big as a risk
Fills you up
And you can抰 look on
The breath of god in my mouth
A love you can taste
God get some paste
He and I, breath to breath
Clothed in saliva
Healing thru your arm
I cant stop hungering for otherness.
I forgot the use
My head fall out the sky
And crashed into my palms
Jesus God valentine
On the tip of it
The old rivers lack of other sweet scents
So sweet
You are a woman just as you are a man
Creeping on the Gas
Is a magic love, like,
Like a Flights, clouded peak
I was choking on the blood
Whose camouflages, lack of soul
Whose misty fire, muses soul
Kneeling by the harm
Which is promising the way
His poor essence, under the truth
love and heart polish itself
I slid my heels but slowly ran
So send Lucifer into hell
1.Wax And Wane (BBC Session - John Peel, 15th July 1982)
2.Garlands (BBC Session - John Peel, 15th July 1982)
3.Alas Dies Laughing (BBC Session - John Peel, 15th July 1982)
4.Feathers Oar-Blades (BBC Session - John Peel, 15th July 1982)
5.Hearsay Please (BBC Session - John Peel, 31st January 1983)
6.Dear Heart (BBC Session - John Peel, 31st January 1983)
7.Blind Dumb Deaf (BBC Session - John Peel, 31st January 1983)
8.Hazel (BBC Session - John Peel, 31st January 1983)
9.The Tinderbox (Of A Heart) (BBC Session - John Peel, 4th October 1983)
10.Strange Fruit (BBC Session - John Peel, 4th October 1983)
11.Hitherto (BBC Session - John Peel, 4th October 1983)
12.From The Flagstones (BBC Session - John Peel, 4th October 1983)
13.Sugar Hiccup (BBC Session - Kid Jensen, 10th October 1983)
14.In Our Angelhood (BBC Session - Kid Jensen, 10th October 1983)
15.My Hue And Cry (BBC Session - Kid Jensen, 10th October 1983)
16.Musette And Drums (BBC Session - Kid Jensen, 10th October 1983)
17.Hitherto (BBC Session - Saturday Night Live, 3rd December 1983)
18.From The Flagstones (BBC Session - Saturday Night Live, 3rd December 1983)
19.Musette And Drums (BBC Session - Saturday Night Live, 3rd December 1983)
20.Pepper Tree (BBC Session - John Peel, 5th September 1984)
21.Beatrix (BBC Session - John Peel, 5th September 1984)
22.Ivo (BBC Session - John Peel, 5th September 1984)
23.Otterley (BBC Session - John Peel, 5th September 1984)
24.Serpentskirt (BBC Session - Mark Radcliffe, 12 March 1996)
25.Golden-Vein (BBC Session - Mark Radcliffe, 12 March 1996)
26.Half-Gifts (BBC Session - Mark Radcliffe, 12 March 1996)
27.Seekers Who Are Lovers (BBC Session - Mark Radcliffe, 12 March 1996)
28.Calfskin Smack (BBC Session - Robert Elms, 10th April 1996)
29.Fifty - Fifty Clown (BBC Session - Robert Elms, 10th April 1996)
30.Violaine (BBC Session - Robert Elms, 10th April 1996)