Give me something I haven't seen
Give me the red light turning green
Give me the words but not the page
不求长篇大论 只求一句赞许
Give me it all
Give me the time but not an age
不求续上性命 只求加上一秒
Give me a look but not the rage
不求沉鱼落雁 只求闭月羞花
Give me the feel for where I'll go
Give me it all
Give me the way it could have been
只求时光倒流 回到原点
Give me the ghost that's on the screen
只求所见似梦似幻 一片虚无
Give me the way but not the means
不求授人以鱼 只求授人以渔
Give me it all
Give me something I haven't seen
Give me the red light turning green
Give me the words but not the page
不求长篇大论 只求一句赞许
Give me it all
I called you up 3 times last night
黑夜中 我不断唤醒沉睡中的你
Running through the streets bloody from a fist fight
月光下 从一片狼藉中一骑绝尘
Keep you warm
Keep you there
Wanna keep you all
只求你 在我身边
See you there, wanna see you some day
我注视着你 心中充满决心
As you look back, I'm pulling away
而当你回望 我却怯于靠近
You caught the bus and I caught the train
你步步攀升 而我坠落谷底
All that remains are words in the rain
曾经的话语 随雨水冲刷而去
Ooooh, oooh, oooo-oooooh
Ooooh, oooh, oooo-oooooh
Give me the shade of a thunder cloud
Give me a good-bye said out loud
Give me the day with no memories
不求伤心回忆 只求无忧往事
Give me it all
I know you could be here with me
By the rain and the palm of the valley
But you're there by the tube stop in the freezing rain
但你心无旁骛 一去不返
See you there, wanna see you some day
我注视着你 心中充满决心
As you look back, I'm pulling away
而当你回望 我却怯于靠近
You caught the bus and I caught the train
你步步攀升 而我坠落谷底
All that remains are words in the rain, rain
曾经的话语 随雨水冲刷而去
Ooooh, oooh, oooo-oooooh
Ooooh, oooh, oooo-oooooh
So solo, I see you there
在雨中 孤身一人 见到了你
You fall like a fifty weight
你历经苦难 渐渐沧桑
The time goes
光阴似水 东流不返
I'll be right there
而我仍在雨中 被水淹没
I feel, I feel there's a fork in the road
是选择苦难 还是选择救赎
1.What Went Down
2.Mountain At My Gates
3.Birch Tree
4.Give It All
6.Snake Oil
7.Night Swimmers
8.London Thunder
9.Lonely Hunter
10.A Knife In The Ocean