Melon and the coconut are sittin' on the floor
Coco said to Melly, "I can't do this anymore
Everything we're doin' just feels fuckin' cold
Everything we're shootin', that's just fake B-roll
B-sides, killing time, filler that's all
How did this happen when we were so close?"
"How did this all go so Pete Tong?
When it all started, I thought we would grow old
Living in the city with a baby and a dog
Doing school runs in a four by four
I make pancakes and waffles
I could be a stay at home G.I. Joe"
Melly said to Coco, "I can't do this anymore
One day, you'll see you're fuckin' wrong
Sometimes B-sides are the best songs
Sometimes killing time's very fruitful
I know I can't make you younger"
"I can't stop life movin' onwards
I can't hide you from life's horrors
I'm not makin' you like your father
Too much quinoa and online shopping
Off-White Air Force Ones in boxes
You're a fuckin' coconut, can't even put 'em on
Even if you could you couldn't even pull 'em off"
1.Heat Waves - Diplo Remix
4.Heat Waves - Shakur Ahmad Remix
5.((home movie: 1994))
6.Hot Sugar
7.((home movie: btx))
8.Space Ghost Coast To Coast
9.Tokyo Drifting
10.Melon and the Coconut
11.Your Love (Déjà Vu)
12.Waterfalls Coming Out Your Mouth
13.It’s All So Incredibly Loud
14.((home movie: rockets))
15.Domestic Bliss
16.Heat Waves
17.((home movie: shoes on))