Push it away
The world looks red
People with fish eyes
The ground sucks
Walk on my fingertips
Displacing the fog
The weight of my body
Is too mush to bear
The memory drained
The life from the dull
An ocean of insects
Worked like a sheet
The immovable fact
Buried my mind
In a horsehair coat
In a pileOn the floor
Push it away
The world looks red
People with fish eyes
The ground sucks
Walk on my fingertips
Displacing the fog
The weight of my body
Is too much to bear
The memory drained
The life from the dull
The ocean of insects
Moved like a sheet
The immovable fact
Buried my mind
In a horsehair coat
In a pileOn the floor
1.Bull In The Heather
3.Sugar Kane
4.Kool Thing
8.Tuff Gnarl
9.Teen Age Riot
10.Shadow Of A Doubt
11.Rain On Tin
12.Tom Violence
14.The World Looks Red
15. Expressway To Yr. Skull
16.Slow Revolution