The Chosen Few (Apocalypse Now Remix)

1.The Chosen Few (Apocalypse Now Remix)
2.Morphine Machine (The tweaker Remix)
3.Loud, Lawless & Lost (Laut, Gesetzlos und Verloren Remix)
4.The Revelation (All Pork And No Play Remix)
5.Truth Is Sin (Go Fight Remix)
6.The Vice Girls (Have It Off Remix)
7.Rise & Repent (Doctor Ônishi Remix)
8.Leather Pig (Randolph & Mortimer Remix)
9.When I'm Done (A Serpent In Eden Remix)
10.The Cult of Chaos (The Desolation Remix)
11.The Hangman's Wooing (Chicharrón Remix)
12.Prey & Obey (Deviant Diskow Remix)
13.Hard Machine (Hard *** Remix)
14.Ecstasy & Exorcism (Salvia & Sacrifice Remix)