Jak bym wiedzia³a czym jest
To szczêœcie co rzadko zdarza siê
Gdyby ból obcy by³ mi
Za ból mój mi³y dziêkujê ci
Choæ ucieka³am
Zawsze wraca³am
Z przyp³ywem morza ³ez
Trudno kochaæ
Lecz trudniej jest
Nie kochaæ wcale ciê
Czy s³ysza³abym szept
Jakim to mi³oœæ wyznaje siê
Gdybym nie zna³a s³ów z³ych
Za te z³e s³owa dziêkujê ci
Choæ ucieka³am...
(English Translation:
It's hard to love
How could I know what the happiness
That hardly happens is
If I didn't know the pain
For my pain
My dear
Thank you
Although I was running away
I was always coming back
With the tide of my tears
It's hard to love
But it's harder not to love you at all
Have I heard the whisper
One is confessing the love with
If I didn't know bad words
For these words I thank you
Although I was running away
I was always coming back
With the tide of my tears
It's hard to love
But it's harder not to love you at all)