Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I: Introduction: Accours dans ma nacelle (Ruodi, Guillaume, Hedwige, Jemmy)

1.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Ouverture
2.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I: Introduction: Quel jour serein (Chorus)
3.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I: Introduction: Accours dans ma nacelle (Ruodi, Guillaume, Hedwige, Jemmy)
4.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I: Introduction: On entend des montagnes (Chorus, Jemmy, Hedwige, Ruodi, Guillaume, Arnold, Melcthal)
5.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I: Introduction: Pasteurs, que vos accents s'unissent (Melcthal, Chorus)
6.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I: Recitatif: Contre les feux du jour (Guillaume, Melcthal, Arnold)
7.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I: Duo: Ou vas-tu? (Guillaume, Arnold)
8.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I: Duo: Ah! Mathilde, idole de mon ame! (Arnold, Guillaume)
9.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I: Marche - Recitatif et choeur: Sur nos tetes (Hedwige, Arnold, Melcthal, Guillaume, Chorus)
10.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I: Recitatif: Des antiques vertus (Melcthal, Guillaume, Arnold, Hedwige, Jemmy)
11.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I: Choeur danse: Hymenee, ta journee (Chorus)
12.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I: Pas de six: Allegretto
13.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I: Choeur danse: Gloire, honneur au fils de Tell (Chorus, Jemmy, Hedwige)
14.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I: Recitatif: Pale et tremblant (Jemmy, Ruodi, Leuthold, Hedwige, Melcthal, Guillaume, Chorus)
15.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I Final: Dieu de bonte (Chorus, Rodolphe, Jemmy, Hedwige, Melcthal, Ruodi)
16.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act I Final: Comme lui nous aurions du faire (Chorus, Rodolphe, Jemmy, Hedwige, Melcthal, Ruodi)
17.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act II: Quelle sauvage harmonie (Chorus, Un chasseur)
18.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act II: Recitatif: Ils s'eloignent enfin (Mathilde)
19.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act II: Romance: Sombre foret (Mathilde)
20.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act II: Recitatif: Ma presence (Arnold, Mathilde)
21.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act II: Duo: Oui, vous l'arrachez a mon ame (Mathilde, Arnold)
22.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act II: Duo: Doux aveu (Arnold, Mathilde)
23.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act II: Recitatif: On vient (Arnold, Mathilde, Guillaume, Walter)
24.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act II: Trio: Quand l'Helvetie (Guillaume, Arnold, Walter)
25.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act II: Trio: Il est donc vrai? (Arnold, Walter, Guillaume)
26.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act II Final: Des profondeurs du bois (Guillaume, Arnold, Walter, Chorus)
27.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act II Final: En ces temps de malheurs (Chorus, Guillaume, Arnold, Walter)
28.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act II Final: Qui vient (Guillaume, Chorus, Walter, Arnold)
29.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act II: Serment: Jurons, jurons (Guillaume, Chorus, Arnold, Walter)
30.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act III: Scene et Air: Arnold, d'ou nait ce desespoir? - Pour notre amour (Mathilde, Arnold)
31.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act III: Scene et Air: Quel bruit (Arnold, Mathilde)
32.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act III: Marche et choeur: Gloire au pouvoir supreme! (Chorus, Gesler) - Recitatif: Que l'empire germain (Gesler)
33.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act III: Divertissement: Pas de trois et Choeur tyrolien: Allegretto - A nos chants (Chorus) - Allegro vivace
34.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act III: Divertissement: A nos chants (Chorus)
35.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act III: Divertissement: Pas de soldats: Allegro brillante - Allegro vivace
36.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act III: Final du divertissement: Allegro
37.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act III Final: Recitatif: Audacieux, incline-toi! (Rodolphe, Guillaume, Chorus, Gesler)
38.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act III Final: Quatuor: C'est la cet archer redoutable (Chorus, Gesler, Guillaume, Rodolphe, Jemmy)
39.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act III Final: Recitatif: Rejoins ta mere (Guillaume, Gesler, Jemmy)
40.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act III Final: Air: Ah, que ton ame se rassure (Jemmy)
41.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act III Final: Recitatif et air: Je te benis - Sois immobile (Guillaume, Gesler, Jemmy, Chorus)
42.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act III Final: Recitatif et final: Victoire! (Chorus, Jemmy, Guillaume, Gesler, Mathilde, Rodolphe)
43.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act III Final: Recitatif et final: Quand l'orgueil les egare (Chorus, Jemmy, Guillaume, Gesler, Mathilde, Rodolphe)
44.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act IV: Recitatif: Ne m'abandonne point - Air: Asile hereditaire (Arnold)
45.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act IV: Vengeance! (Chorus, Arnold)
46.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act IV: Recitatif: Ou vas-tu? (Chorus, Hedwige, Jemmy)
47.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act IV: Trio: Je rends a votre amour (Mathilde, Jemmy, Hedwige)
48.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act IV Final: Recitatif, Priere et Choeur: Quoi! Dans nos maux (Hedwige, Mathilde, Jemmy, Chorus)
49.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act IV Final: Je l'ai vu! (Leuthold, Hedwige, Mathilde, Chorus, Gesler, Guillaume, Jemmy)
50.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act IV Final: En vain il veut nous fuir (Chorus, Gesler, Hedwige, Jemmy, Walter, Arnold, Mathilde)
51.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (complete version): Act IV Final: Tout change et grandit en ces lieux (Guillaume, Hedwige, Jemmy, Mathilde, Arnold, Walter, Chorus)
52.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (supplement of the critical edition): Pas de deux: Andante
53.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (supplement of the critical edition): Pas de deux: Andante maestoso
54.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (supplement of the critical edition): Pas de deux: [suite] Allegretto
55.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (supplement of the critical edition): Pas de trois et choeur tyrolien (version originale): Allegretto - A nos chants (Chorus) - Allegro vivace - A nos chants (Chorus)
56.Guillaume Tell (William Tell) (supplement of the critical edition): Va nouveau final (Paris 1831): Quel tumulte - Dieu vengeur - Des bois, des monts, de la cite (Gesler, Rodolphe, Jemmy, Hedwige, Guillaume, Chorus, Mathilde, Arnold, Walter)