Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: "Nunc Dimittis"

1.The New Moon: "Lover, Come Back To Me"
2.Dat's Love (From "Carmen Jones")
4.Love Is Where You Find It
5.So In Love
6.Songs of the Auvergne: "Bailero"
7.Songs of the Auvergne: "La Delaissado"
8.Songs of the Auvergne: "Malurous Qu'o Uno Fenno"
9.Songs of the Auvergne: "Pastourelle"
10.Songs of the Auvergne: "L'aio de Rotso"
11.Die Fledermaus: "The Laughing Song"
12.The Mikado: "The Sun, whose rays"
13.Giuditta: "On my lips every kiss is like wine"
14.The Merry Widow: "Vilja"
15.The New Moon: "Softly, as in a Morning Sunrise"
16.When You're Away
17.The Enchantress: "I Want To Be A Prima Donna"
18.And This Is My Beloved (From "Kismet")
19.Street Scene: "What Good Would The Moon Be?"
20.Bittersweet: If Love Were All
21.Wuthering Heights: "I Belong To The Earth"
22.Wuthering Heights: "You Were My First Love"
23.Wuthering Heights: "I See A Change In You"
24.Wuthering Heights: "He's Gone"
25.Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: "Nunc Dimittis"
26.Il Sonno Innocente (From "The Innocent Sleep")
27.Phantom of the Opera (From "Phantom of the Opera")
28.Wishing You Were Somehow Here (From "The Phantom of the Opera")
29.Think of Me (From "The Phantom of the Opera")
30.Angel Of Music / Point Of No Return (From "The Phantom Of The Opera")
31.All I Ask of You (From "The Phantom of the Opera")
32.Memory (From "Cats")
33.Pie Jesu (From "Requiem")
34.Simple Gifts