Dido and Aeneas, Z.626 / Act 3:"Thy hand, Belinda...When I am laid in earth"

1.La Cenerentola / Act 2:"Nacqui all'affanno e al pianto"
2.Les Huguenots / Act 1:"Nobles seigneurs salut" - "Une dame noble et sage"
3.Dido and Aeneas, Z.626 / Act 3:"Thy hand, Belinda...When I am laid in earth"
4.Serse, HWV 40 / Act 1:"Frondi tenere e belle" - "Ombra mai fù"
5.Semiramide / Act 1:"Ah! Quel giorno ognor rammento"
6.Samson et Dalila, Op.47, R. 288 / Act 1:"Printemps qui commence"
7.Samson et Dalila, Op.47, R. 288 / Act 2:"Samson, recherchant ma présence"
8.Samson et Dalila, Op.47, R. 288 / Act 2:Mon coeur s'ouvre à ta voix
9.La Damnation de Faust, Op.24 / Part 4:Scène 15. Romance. "D'amour l'ardente flamme"
10.La Gioconda / Act 1:"Voce di donna o d'angelo"
11.The Maid Of Orléans, TH 6:"The time has come! - Farewell to you"
12.Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 3:"Uzh polnoch blizitsya"