Symphonic Poem No. 7 - "Releasing of Vows": VI. Esta Selva Elvaggia e Aspra e Forte (What Was This Forest Savage)

1.Symphonic Poem No. 7 - "Releasing of Vows" (Full Version)
2.Symphonic Poem No. 7 - "Releasing of Vows": I. Prelude - Halfway Along Our Life’s Path
3.Symphonic Poem No. 7 - "Releasing of Vows": II. Auf Flügeln des Gesanges (On Wings of Song)
4.Symphonic Poem No. 7 - "Releasing of Vows": III. Es Wird die Neue Welt Geboren (A New World Is Born)
5.Symphonic Poem No. 7 - "Releasing of Vows": IV. Die Welt von Gestern (The World of Yesterday)
6.Symphonic Poem No. 7 - "Releasing of Vows": V. Death Dance (Lambeth Walk)
7.Symphonic Poem No. 7 - "Releasing of Vows": VI. Esta Selva Elvaggia e Aspra e Forte (What Was This Forest Savage)
8.Symphonic Poem No. 7 - "Releasing of Vows": VII. Epilogue – Releasing of Vows
9.Symphonic Poem No. 7 - "Releasing of Vows": VIII. Coda - Will Turn Upon Us with Blessing