Frank Kennedy Asks for Suellen's Hand (Extended Version)

2.In the Library
3.The New Store
4.Main Title
5.I'll Never Be Hungry Again
6.War Is Declared - The Death of Charles
7.Scarlett in the Mist - Rhett Leaves
8.Flashback - Finale
9.Twelve Oaks in Ruin - Scarlett Comes Home
10.Belle Watling and Melanie
11.Escape from Atlanta
12.Twenty Inches!
13.Melanie and Mammy
14.Paddock Scene
15.The O'hara Family
16.Twelve Oaks
17.Scarlett Prepares for the Barbecue
18.At the Bazaar
19.Battle Montage
20.Scarlett in Shantytown
21.The Barbecue
22.Frank Kennedy Asks for Suellen's Hand (Extended Version)