Salvation Pt.2
SalvaLusion(Salvation x illusion)
Lately people left gone oh Damn so many
No under my control Be in danger actually
Who can tell me SalvaLusion
Stealing ur bailment 来帮你完整
Hard to
Hard to
Hard to run
Hard to
Hard to
Hard to run
Broken down
Stop Broken down
Broken down my sound
Violent crimre 留的创
Social phobia 笑的太假
翅膀被折断 称得上精干
请求像命令 戒掉了迟缓
规律变换 擅自编撰 演技精湛
烫手山芋 捧着 心惊胆战
Kakkaka You only Balalala
乱的不像话 No alcohol No fuxx drxx
把这个圈子玩透 再骗着观众
看我渗透篡改剧本 把你肋骨击中
皮囊背后 唾液在倒流
小心腐烂之后 面具发出恶臭
Fuxx it up Damn so we Ridiculous
So ridiculous Sick emotion sick love
Fuxx it up Damn so we Ridiculous
So ridiculous Sick emotion sick love
Burning on the highway
Pouring to illusion
Burning on the highway
Pouring to illusion
Lately people left gone oh Damn so many
No under my control Be in danger actually
Who can tell me SalvaLusion
Stealing ur bailment 来帮你完整
Hard to
Hard to
Hard to run
Hard to
Hard to
Hard to run
Broken down
Stop Broken down
也记过 被记过 善良的死神 被欺过
会犯错 也犯错 撕裂的韧带 被缝合
Ohya So deep pain Coming with me
Can u feel right from Ma to the D
你说你不相信 人格分裂之后的清醒
熬不出头的任性 被看做异教徒的歪理
周围全部都是Fake 全部都是Fake
躺进藏尸柜里不敢呼吸 那是谁在喂
待在暗处 仅仅计较 露出可怕又诡异的微笑
看呆了 倦怠了 惊骇了 塞住无赖 要害的动脉
成为了惯犯 欲擒故纵的看到了乞丐就死命拽
能不能长点眼睛 再长点记性
Lately people left gone oh Damn so many
No under my control Be in danger actually
Who can tell me SalvaLusion
Stealing ur bailment 来帮你完整
Hard to
Hard to
Hard to run
Hard to
Hard to
Hard to run
Broken down
Stop Broken down