Memories (1897): A - Very Pleasant / B - Rather Sad

1.The Housatonic at Stockbridge (1921)
2.Memories (1897): A - Very Pleasant / B - Rather Sad
3.From "Paracelsus" (1921)
4.The Things Our Fathers Loved (1917)
5.Ann Street (1921)
6.The Innate (1916)
7.The Circus Band (1894)
8.In the Mornin' (1929)
9.Serenity (1919)
10.Majority (1921)
11.Thoreau (1915)
12.At the River (1916)
13.The Indians (1921)
14.The Cage (ca. 1906)
15.Like a Sick Eagle (ca. 1920)
16.A Christmas Carol (1897)
17.A Farewell to Land (1925)