Faust (Sung in Italian):Act II: Estrana assai (Valentin, Mephistopheles, Siebel, Chorus)

1.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act I: Prelude
2.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act I: No! Interrogo invan (Faust)
3.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act I: Ah! Vieni estremo (Faust, Chorus)
4.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act I: Ma il ciel che puo (Faust, Mephistopheles)
5.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act I: Sono qua! (Mephistopheles, Faust)
6.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act I: Sta ben (Mephistopheles, Faust)
7.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act II: Su, da bere, "Kermesse" (Wagner, students, soldiers, townspeople)
8.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act II: O santa medaglia (Valentin, Wagner, Siebel, Chorus)
9.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act II: Dio possente, "Cavatina" (Valentin)
10.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act II: Andiam, partiam (Wagner, Chorus, Mephistopheles)
11.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act II: Dio dell'or (Mephistopheles)
12.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act II: Estrana assai (Valentin, Mephistopheles, Siebel, Chorus)
13.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act II: Ci rivedreno (Mephistopheles, Faust)
14.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act II: Waltz: Come allor (Mephistopheles, Faust, Siebel, Chorus)
15.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act II: Permette reste a me (Marguerite, Faust, Siebel, Mephistopheles)
16.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: Intermezzo
17.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: La parlate d'amor, "Flower Song" (Siebel)
18.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: Giunti siam? (Faust, Mephistopheles, Siebel)
19.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: Salve, dimora casta e pura (Faust)
20.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: All'erta! Eccola qua! (Mephistopheles, Faust)
21.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: Come vorrie saper (Marguerite)
22.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: O ciel!, "The Jewel Song" (Marguerite)
23.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: Giusto ciel! Che vegg'io? (Marta, Marguerite)
24.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: Si, un dono quest'e (Marguerite, Marta, Faust, Mephistopheles)
25.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: V'appoggia te al braccio mio (Marguerite, Marta, Faust, Mephistopheles)
26.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: Etempo alfin! (Mephistopheles)
27.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: Tardi si fa, addio! (Marguerite, Faust)
28.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: Notte d'amor, "Love Duet" (Marguerite, Faust)
29.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: Divina purita (Faust, Marguerite)
30.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act III: Vedete (Marguerite, Faust, Mephistopheles)
31.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act IV: Introduction, "Church Scene"
32.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act IV: Signor, concesso sia (Marguerite, Mephistopheles, Chorus)
33.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act IV: Ciel! Che voce odo mai? (Marguerite, Mephistopheles, Chorus)
34.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act IV: Deponiam il brando (Chorus of Soldiers, Siebel, Valentin)
35.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act IV: Chorus: O Gloria!, "Soldiers' Chorus"
36.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act IV: Siebel! Nel mio tetto andiam (Valentin, Siebel)
37.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act IV: Perche tardate ancora? (Mephistopheles, Faust)
38.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act IV: Tu che fai l'adormentata, "Serenade" (Mephistopheles)
39.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act IV: Che fate qui, Signor, "Duel Trio" (Valentin, Mephistopheles, Faust)
40.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act IV: Per di qua venga (Marta, Valentin, Marguerite, Siebel)
41.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act V: Va via! (Faust, Mephistopheles)
42.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act V: Penetrato e il mio cor (Faust, Mephistopheles)
43.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act V: All'erta! All'erta! (Marguerite, Mephistopheles, Faust)
44.Faust (Sung in Italian):Act V: E salva, "Final Chorus" (Chorus of Angels)