You seem like...
Why don't you drive over and pick me up
I'll wear my best outfit
And people might compliment
Our chocolate and vanilla skin
And how it looks so good together mixed in...
'Cause without you my flavor is a little plain
And no one likes plain things
I wanna walk to your house
'Cause you're just up the street
And seeing you in person is so much better than my thoughts and my dreams...
You've blown my mindin 2hours time
And I'm so weak and unable to
Picture,you with someone other than me
But I guess I have to
Cause you haven't asked me out...-2nd chr sing:'Cause I haven't asked you out...
On a date...
To get some Chai Tea lattes
You,open the door for me always
You're such a gentlemen like that
And I don't know anyone who has a sweeter heart than you do
You're like,20billion Reese cups in 2
And this christmas what I really,really,really,really,really want
Is a call from you to say
"Angel I seem to think of you everyday and ever since I've gone away
I just have to say...that you've..."(chorus)
So go ahead and ask me
Go ahead and ask me out
I live at 25052Walnut St.
And I'll be waiting for my doorbell to ring..
Oh just ask me out,cause i'm just dyin'for a Chai Tea Latte.