Self-destruction, I'm headed for self-destruction
我正在自我毁灭 走向堕落深渊
I'm self-hating, deprecating, I need help of something
憎恨自己 贬讽自己 我迫切地需要救赎
I'm like *******, ************, slut, lick twat, lick ************
直到现在 我的歌还是脏话连篇 下流低俗
No, my vocabulary ain't improved one bit
比起从前 词汇量没有提升一点点
I'm the lowest of the lowest life-forms
And I make it painfully obvious every time I write songs
I'm hated, got liberals begging for the death penalty
被人们憎恨着 自由主义者都想判我死刑(其不支持死刑)
And conservatives wi************ng my mother aborted her pregnacy
I wish my father just put his ************ in my mother's mouth
我也希望 要是当年我妈只是给了我爸口活儿就好了
And instead of getting pregnant she choked on me and spit me out
她就会呛住 把我吐出来 而不是孕育出一个生命
Kids wanna be me, why you wanna copy this loser?
小毛孩们想成为我 别吧 干嘛模仿失败者?
All I do is spit bull************t immature potty humor
我只有胡逼扯淡 低俗笑话 不是么
You doubting me and not listening when I'm talking
You can put my ************ in your mouth and rub my ******* on your chin
Mother******* done, duck, sucker run,
那些缺的 假的 舔的 卖的 还不快跑?
Run Amok, buck, buck gun, Whoudini, hut, hut, one
砰砰 我扛着枪拿着弹 寻着你们就来了
All the other white rappers they can suck my ************
那些惺惺作态的白人说唱歌手 我瞧不上
In fact all the black rappers they can suck my ************
那些装腔作势的黑哥们 我也真的不屑
In fact everybody out there you can suck my ************
事实上 所有人 我特么都不屑
Find me in the ba******t fighting pitbulls with Michael Vick
和Michael Vick在地下场所赛斗牛犬(Michael Vick老鹰队四分卫 曾因开斗狗场被捕入狱)
Now I can say *******, ************t, ************, rape, eat *******
在这 我管你那么多这逼那个 我就是脏
Ain't no censor************p issues here so let's be blunt
没有看门狗 生的猛的 我们都直接点儿来
People never could stand me, I really don't care
那些受不了我的 我管你们谁谁?
Will I make some enemies with this record? Hell yeah
黑子 敌人 恨我的人 都去他的
I'm a piece of ************t, I'm a ******g fat *******
我什么都不是 废物混球一个
Shoot me in my head, shoot me in my head
往我脑袋上崩吧 一枪了结了这一切(暗示肯尼迪暗杀事件)
I'm a piece of ************t, I'm a ******g fat *******
我什么都不是 宇宙垃圾一个
I'm a ******g fat *******
I'm a piece of ************t, I'm a ******g fat *******
我什么都不是 废物混球一个
Shoot me in my head, shoot me in my head
嚷着要办了我的 给我一点威胁好吗
I'm a piece of ************t, I'm a ******g fat *******
我什么都不是 宇宙垃圾一个
I'm a ******g fat *******
Oh yes, I'm a little bit old and a little bit bitter
在这个圈子 我算不上新人 过得也没那么光鲜
I could have sold more and been a little bit bigger
本可以赚更多钱 爬到更高的地方
They claimed that I am the next rapper to get slained
可他们说爬得越高摔得越狠 我迟早惹上杀身之祸
Come on, shoot me in my head, put a bullet in my fat brain
行啊 那些盯着我又看不惯我的 有种就来一枪崩了我
I got explosives, guns, knives, weapons of all types
炸药 手枪 冷兵器 我什么没有?我怕你?
Ninja stars, nunchucks, bats, pipes, looking for fights
我的 忍者镖 双节棍 棍棒钢杆 都等着舔血呢
(this is ************t, can't you talk about something more positive Like the environment or something important like politics?)
(别放屁了,你难道不能讨论点关于环境、政治 那些有意义的东西?)
Yeah, sure -
好啊 成啊
Bill O'Reilly he would hate my guts, so what?
Bill O'Reilly看不惯我,那又怎么样?(政治评论家)
Katie Couric she would hate my guts, so what?
Katie Couric不爽我,那又怎么样?(记者)
Barbara Walters or Whoopi; which one's the dumber slut?
Barbara Walters Whoopi 一个比一个让我火大(播音员)(政治活动家)
Keith Olbermann, ************, could get a knife in his gut
Keith Olbermann, 早该一刀了结了他
Obama nation, the Bushs, the Clintons or 80's Reaganomics
奥巴马 布什 克林顿 里根
It don't matter, the government always be taking your profits
谁上台都无所谓 真的 反正都是民众被坑
The republicans ain't ************t, the democrats ain't ************t
党派之争又怎么样 拥趸支持又有什么意义?
What would make you think that either side is ever gonna change ************t?
谁给你洗脑 他们一定就会带给你想要的?
Nancy Pelosi, that ************ crazy Before Obama
Nancy Pelosi在奥巴马上台之前
she was water-boarding terrorists and blowing
************ Cheney Think they was looking for Bin Laden,
that's a croc They was looking for him
like they looking for the murderers of Biggie and Pac
******* this, I ain't talking politics no more
Instead I'll walk in your office and ************t on your floor
我宁愿直接冲进你的大厦 在你地盘撒野
How my crazy ass look spitting political themes?
When I ain't even had beef with Bush 'til New Orleans
Hmm, strictly spitting that horribleness
Anybody that don't like it they can gargle my piss
谁不愿意听 过来喝爷的尿
Rugged Man need love I'mma grab Obama
with that three trillion dollar budget And head to the strip club
I'm the last one they should ever let speak
I should save politics for Dead Prez and Immortal Technique
我站在这里 为了我的兄弟 Dead Prez 和 Immortal Technique
I'm a piece of ************t, I'm a ******g fat *******
我什么都不是 废物混球一个
Shoot me in my head, shoot me in my head
往我脑袋上崩吧 一枪了结了这一切
I'm a piece of ************t, I'm a ******g fat *******
I'm a ******g fat *******
I'm a piece of ************t, I'm a ******g fat *******
我什么都不是 宇宙垃圾一个
Shoot me in my head, shoot me in my head
嚷着要办了我的 给我一点威胁好吗
I'm a piece of ************t, I'm a ******g fat *******
I'm a ******g fat *******
******g fat ******g fat ******g fat You're the piece of ************t
You're a ******g fat ******g fat ******* OhhhOh~
弟弟们 别往脸上贴金了
who i'm down with
nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody, nobody nobody nobody
没人 没人 没人 没人 没人
who i'm rollin with
nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody, nobody nobody nobody
没人 没人 没人 没人 没人
who i'm care about
nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody, nobody nobody nobody
没人 没人 没人 没人 没人
who give a ******* about me
nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody, nobody nobody nobody
没人 没人 没人 没人 没人
sing it *******
Oh~Ah~Ah ******g fat a piece of ************t
that's right that's right~