Songfest:3. A Julia de Burgos

1.Bernstein: West Side Story - Somewhere
2.Bachianas brasileiras No. 5, W. 389:1. Aria (Cantilena)
4.Songfest:3. A Julia de Burgos
5.Floresta do Amazonas, W551:3. Canção de Amor
6.Take Care of This House
7.Candide / Act I:Glitter and Be Gay
8.Will There Really Be a Morning?
9.Villa-Lobos: Floresta do Amazonas, W551 - 4. Melodia Sentimental
10.The Cows of Apollo:Maria’s Aria
11.Jeannie with the Light Brown Hair
12.Lúa Descolorida
13.The Rake's Progress / Act 1 / Scene 3:No Word from Tom