Pale moonlight
Whispers in the early night
Golden mane
Read 'The Game'
Watch them drawn like moths to flame
Studied the practical tactics of pick-ups
Right down to the pitfalls and hiccups
Before you start I say 'Stop! It's a stick-up!'
Used to being the guy that gets the girl
But if we were the last two people in the world
The human race would face extinction
Before I'd get it on, honey
Used to being the guy that gets the girl
Not if we were the last two people in the world
Mister, mister, why haven't you gone?
If you're God's gift to Women then God got it wrong
Peacock strut
Collar up
Watch him while he fills his cup
Sultry glare
Piercing stare
Practiced in the mirror
Studied the practical tactics of pick-ups
Right down to the pitfalls and hiccups
Before you start I say 'Stop! It's a stick-up!'
Used to being the guy that gets the girl
But if we were the last two people in the world
The human race would face extinction
Before I'd get it on, honey
Used to being the guy that gets the girl
Not if we were the last two people in the world
Mister, mister, why haven't you gone?
If you're God's gift to Women then God got it wrong
Are you feeling it?
Feeling the love in the room?
Are you feeling it?
Feeling the love in the room?
Are you feeling it?
Feeling the love
Well you're feeling something
Anyone'll do
Studied the practical tactics of pick-ups
Right down to the pitfalls and hiccups
Before you start I say 'Stop! It's a stick-up!'
Used to being the guy that gets the girl
But if we were the last two people in the world
The human race would face extinction
Before I'd get it on, honey
Used to being the guy that gets the girl
Not if we were the last two people in the world
Mister, mister, why haven't you gone?
If you're God's gift to Women then God got it wrong
Used to being the guy that gets the girl
But if we were the last two people in the world
The human race would face extinction
Before I'd ever let you turn an inch into a smile, honey
Like you still got a chance
It's just amusing watching you dance
Mister, Mister, why haven't you gone?
If you're God's gift to women then God got it wrong
She got it wrong
2.Love Is A Stranger
3.In The Dark
4.Can't Shake It
7.The Devil Wears A Suit
8.Yours Was The Body
9.God's Gift To Women
11.O Vertigo!