The Land of Smiles: A Garland of Apple Blossom

1.The Merry Widow
2.The Land of Smiles: Patiently Smiling
3.The Land of Smiles: A Cup of Tea with You
4.The Land of Smiles: A Garland of Apple Blossom
5.The Land of Smiles: Love, What has Given You this Magic Power?
6.The Land of Smiles: You Are My Heart's Delight
7.The Land of Smiles: Sad At Heart Am I
8.The Wandering Tinker: When Two so Love
9.Gypsy Love: Wild Roses
10.Gypsy Love: Overture
11.Giuditta: In the Distant Blue Sky
12.Giuditta: Every Day Brings Pleasures New
13.Giuditta: Lovel as a Summer Night
14.Giuditta: Stay with Me Forever
15.Giuditta: My Every Thought
16.Giuditta: My Lips are Made for Kissing
17.Giuditta: Loveliest of Women
18.The Lord of the Mountains: Long Years, Longing Years
19.The Lord of the Mountains: Still, Trembing Heart!
20.Frederica: I Live for Your Love