Alien evening, dark after four,
Break out the bulbs from the Arabic store.
Shoulder the market by the canal,
Break out in tune to the migrant chorale.
Twisting of language, breaking of vows,
Translating names to what tongues will allow,
Hiding in cellars, listening through floors,
Settling debts with inherited wars.
Carrying records, town after town,
Keys to the temples they burned to the ground,
Mounting the hill for the final display,
Dragging the bones of the bodies away.
Occidental, oriental, over seven seas,
Capricorn & Cancer dance a sorry gules lied.
Capricorn & Cancer dance a sorry gules lied.
Crossing Morocco, dry desert plain,
Over the border and make it to Spain.
Wear for your coffin a mandarin van,
Abandoned in London on down by the strand.
Once there were bellies of galleons to fill,
Back from the Ivory Coast for a kill,
Now there are offices crowded with tongues,
Each of them waits for their number to come.
Lasers are strafing the valley with light
Under the quiet New Mexico night
Laying it's hand on invisible lines
Death is a friend to a field full of mines
Occidental, oriental, over seven seas,
Capricorn & Cancer dance a sorry gules lied.
Capricorn & Cancer dance a sorry gules lied.
Gaggle of ragged, frost-bitten geese,
Murder of crows at the end of a lease,
Swallows or sparrows, Gypsies or Jews,
Everyone knows when the rent will be due.
Vultures despising the swans for their pride,
Wearing their wings like a train on a bride,
Under the bridge with their heads in their br*asts,
Waiting for winter to summon them west.
Reading of horrors in papers of home,
Hearing reports over satellite phones.
Shone in the river, the town is a-fire,
Sending the pigeons over the wire.
Occidental, oriental, over seven seas
Capricorn & Cancer dance a sorry gules lied
Capricorn & Cancer dance a sorry gules lied
1.Man of Plenty
2.The Most Laementable Ballade of Edward the Young
3.Unter Di Khurves Fun Poyln
4.Birch Meadow / Birkenau
5.Ballad of the "Jew's Whore" Marie Sanders
6.Migrant Chorale
7.Nakht Un Regn
8.Yesterday Is Buried (S'iz Nito Keyn Nekhtn)
9.Beyze Vintn