Babylon it afi fall
Wicked people them ah bawl
Babylon it afi fall
Wicked people them ah bawl
Like mountains round about Jerusalem
So is Emperor Selassie I
around I and I, I and I, higher than
higher than high
Like mountains round about Jerusalem
So is Emperor Selassie I
around I and I, I and I, I and I
Minions and bitc[...]
Unfortunately, we are not licensed to display the full lyrics for this song at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to in the future. Until then, how about a
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1.The Solution
2.One Love
3.Good Ways
4.Love Is Divine
5.Be Strong
6.Give Me A Try
7.Really And Truly
8.Ain't Gonna See Us Fall
9.Like Mountain
10.Where Are You Running To
11.Thanks And Praise
12.Just One Of Those Days
13.In This Time (Feat. Luciano)
14.Black Woman And Child
15.Rise To The Occasion
16.Praise Ye Jah
17.Africa Prepare