honey i’m so bored
we should rob a bank
and when the cops arrive
say it’s a YouTube prank
i’m sure
they’ll love us, it’ll be painless
and we’ll finally be famous oh
honey i’m so bored
we should steal a car
close our eyes and then
drive down to the shore
you know
i’ve never learned to swim but
one summer I saw Tim do it
oh oh, oh oh
honey i’m so bored
we should quit our jobs
Who needs money when
You got suicidal thoughts
You know
we’re empty since we’re twenty
What’s the point of tryna fit in now?
honey i’m so bored
we should go to bed
regretting everything
that we’ve ever said
and then
we’ll dream of being mean
Cause we have no self-esteem left
oh oh, oh oh
I don’t know what to say or do
For now I’m holding on to you
Hoping one day I will bloom
and though they fill us both with dread
daisies will grow above our head
so let’s just sit here on the ledge
oh oh, oh oh
oh oh, oh oh
1.So Bored