Was never one for letting go
It felt like everybody had to let me know
What the hell ya doing kid
All the plans you’re making getting way too big
说我好高骛远 不自量力
They tell me I’m broken, outta my mind
说我徒有大志 浮想联翩
Head in the clouds I’m doing just fine
登高望远 注定不凡
Shooting for greatness, aimed at the sky
欲穷千里 更上一层
I won’t know ‘til I try
放手一搏 我心无悔
I got big dreams, big dreams calling me
我心怀大志 踽踽前行
I got big dreams, and nothing’s stopping me
我踌躇满志 一往无前
I don’t care what they’re saying about me
I’m happy dancing to my own beat
I got big dreams, big dreams calling me
灵魂之音 誓与理想齐鸣
Through the years I had to fall
浮云苍狗 我亦在劫难逃
I had to give up everything to get it all
心之所向 素履以往
I checked my pride at the door
Had to look inside to pick myself up off the floor
Now I feel weightless, now I feel high
我的灵魂 早已离地万里
Head in the clouds I’m doing just fine
既飘然欲坠 仍流连忘返
Shooting for greatness, aimed at the sky
我高瞻远瞩 跫音铿锵
I won’t know ‘til I try
若不背水一战 必会终生抱憾
I got big dreams, big dreams calling me
心跳律动 与梦同频
I got big dreams, and nothing’s stopping me
胸有丘壑 所向披靡
I don’t care what they’re saying about me
I’m happy dancing to my own beat
I got big dreams, big dreams calling me
我向梦想奔去 梦想也召唤着我
Now I feel weightless, now I feel high
头重脚轻 却极目远眺
Head in the clouds I’m doing just fine
我高瞻远瞩 跫音铿锵
Shooting for greatness, aimed at the sky
胸有丘壑 所向披靡
I won’t know ‘til I try
不背水一战 终生抱憾
I got big dreams, big dreams calling me
心跳律动 与梦同频
I got big dreams, and nothing's stopping me
胸有丘壑 披荆斩棘
I don’t care what they’re saying about me
I’m happy dancing to my own beat
I got big dreams, big dreams calling me
我致梦想以吻 梦想终将报我以歌