Long days looking at the passport
Less work
Ain’t that what you ask for
Enjoying these nice strides
And walks
These highlights
And more
Keeps me hanging out my thoughts
How many years
Do we do construction
Buildings everywhere
Some of its disrupting
Missing these handshakes
And Landscapes
Picnic baskets
And milkshakes
With not so many walls
And no fears at all
I mean
I’d give anything to leave all this concrete
People everywhere
Still can not get to these faces
I know there might be a cause
Yh There might be a warning
If petitions out gonna put my all in
Fresh air
Clear view
Clean space
They just keep
Building buildings
As great as they are
A green space
That’s my kina park
They just
Building buildings
Lights yh
No one to impress
Yh lights
Yh no one knows the rest
Lights yh
Do not mind a streetlight
Lights yh
Somewhere we can see these faces
Lights yh
In the figure of some nice green spaces
Don’t want a picture of all of what used to be
A picture of all that green mystery
But that could be somebody’s home
Or office
If you’re not working from home
A studio
Or that coffee shop
Where we can buy our
And milkshakes
Take a seat
Get something to eat
Go refuel
Gotta limit all this wastage
Buildings always
Keep me nice and cool
It’s still somewhere we can see these faces
So I know there might be a cause
Yh There might be a warning
If petitions out
Still putting all in
Fresh air
Clear view
Clean space
Cuz they
They just keep
Building buildings
As great as they are
A green space
That’s my kina park
They just
Building buildings