编曲 : Beck
SO baby, can we have one last dance
I beg to you for the last dance
SO baby, can we have one last dance
I'll be alone when the next time
This relationship should end right away(这段感情应该马上结束)
Then let me finish it and cut down(那就让我亲手做个了断)
I don't want to fall into a trap(我不想掉入陷阱)
The moonlight is suitable for saying goodbye(这月光适合告别)
Freeze cold(我感到冰冷)
I got to go(想要逃走)
You'll never know about it(你永远不会明白)
You always blame on me(你总是责怪我)
It's suck bxxxh(这令人厌恶)
Wipe away tears(擦干眼泪)
21 o'clock began to rain(21点开始下雨)
Thinner and thinner atmospheres(空气越来越稀薄)
I'm choking with empathy(我快被情感窒息)
luv like drug it's can kill me give you a advice you should let her go
Pay attention above the cliff tonight the moon is such lonely
No matter how beautiful it is without stars are all look miserable
但是你知道我从来都不擅长说那些花言巧语telling you lie
SO baby, can we have one last dance
I beg to you for the last dance
SO baby, can we have one last dance
I'll be alone when the next time
This relationship should end right away(这段感情应该马上结束)
Then let me finish it and cut down(那就让我亲手做个了断)
I don't want to fall into a trap(我不想掉入陷阱)
The moonlight is suitable for saying goodbye(这月光适合告别)
I be lonely should liberate my nature
but feeling you hot eye contact in my soul
Don't say sorry I'm thug
You deserve better one
fxxk love fxxk life fxxk bid farewell
fxxk up fxxk off fxxk killing me
I can't imagine without you falling in the deep
Hope you can always remember the last dance
录音 : 947.ASH
混音 : Sand@耍Studio
母带 : Sand@耍Studio
封面 : AkuSmile
监制 : NIB奶爸
出品 : 耍家帮音乐工作室
5.Last Dance